About Heyes Landscaping


With every Heyes Landscaping project, this is what you can expect:

  1. Timely quote with professional on site consultation at a mutually convenient time.
  2. We can match you with a designer if you want to have a professional drawing done.
  3. Installation date. Heyes Landscaping prides itself of maintaining scheduled bookings.
  4. The landscaping base to be prepared as per ICPI specs including geo-textile as required.
  5. All materials to be provided by reputable wholesale vendors.
  6. Ongoing consult throughout project and liaise with client.
  7. Up to date WSIB coverage for all Heyes Landscaping employees.
  8. Up to date Liability Insurance and Business Insurance.  
  9. Experienced staff onsite at all times and ensure cell phone availability to communicate with Heyes Landscaping owner at all times.  
  10. All Heyes Landscaping staff to make every effort to ensure the least intrusion during all phases of the contract for the property owner.  
  11. Heyes Landscaping will remove any excess material from property as agreed.
  12. General cleanup of site daily.
  13. Road Occupancy will be obtained as required.  
  14. Offer a two year guarantee on all hardscaping done by Heyes Landscaping.
  15. Heyes Landscaping provides serviced and insured commercial machines and tools to all staff.
  16. Heyes Landscaping is a Permacon Authorized Installer and follow their code of ethics.
  17. Heyes Landscaping is a Unilock Authorized installer and follow their code of ethics.
  18. Heyes Landscaping attend ongoing training and upgrading every winter. 

Not all services apply to every project and the prerequisites of any job will be tailored to suit the size and scope of the work being done.

At Heyes Landscaping, construction is done RIGHT.

The Excavation:
The depth of excavation will depend on two factors:

  • The type of soil in the area. Clay soil will require deeper excavation and sandy soil will require less.
  • How your paver service will be used. Heavy loads like driveways and retaining walls require deeper excavation. Light outside patios and walkways require less.

The Base:
Once the excavation is complete, the area will be filled appropriately. The base will be determined by the intended use of space.  

  • We need to determine that the chosen base can handle the load of whatever is being placed on the surface.
  • We need to ensure it is free draining so that water does not pool, and we need to make sure that it’s compacted in several layers using the proper equipment. This ensures it won’t move out of place with the freeze and thaw cycles in our four seasons.

Bedding Material:
The next phase of construction is a layer of sand or small stone aggregate.

  • The right bedding material installed correctly directly affects the performance of your stone of choice. This includes interlocking, natural stone, retaining walls or whatever you choose to use.
  • It not only provides a nice smooth surface for stone to sit on, it also allows water to drain through quickly to the gravel base.

Retraining the Edge and Jointing the spaces:
This is the finishing stage of your project.

  • Edge restraint can be done in many ways. A special concrete can be added along the edge of your patio to set it into place and adhere to the stone.  Pre-made edging can be installed with long metal spikes along the sides of the brick.
  • Finally, a special sand is brushed into the spaces between the pavers which helps lock the pavers into place.  Often polymeric sand is used which requires water to help activate it into a cement like substance.

Landscaping Links

Unilock products and ideas. Olde Village paver, Brussels Block, Pisa ii etc.

Permacon landscaping products and ideas. Bergerac, Celtic system, Roman, Paleo, etc.

Blu 60/80, Dunes, Borealis, Rocka Steps etc.

Supplier of Our Landscaping Materials.

Supplier of Our Landscaping Materials.

Garden Artifacts offers all the ‘extras’ for that perfect outdoor oasis. 

Heyes Supporting our Town

The Rotary Club of Uxbridge , Sam Sharpe Wall.

Festival of Lights.

Uxbridge’s only off leash park.

Our Hometown website.

Links We Care to Share

Supporting Young People Struggling with Anxiety.

Durham Region, Lakeridge Health.

Sunnybrook Hospital, expert navigation of the mental health and addictions service system for youth aged 13-26.

Help US Help Them!  Don’t leave them out in the Cold!


Want to get started? Call (905) 852-5070